Film Recommendations - Foreign Drama


Film Recommendations - Foreign Drama

Permalink 06:25:28 pm, Categories: Movies, 5 Stars - Loved It!, Drama, Foreign  

Recommendations / mini reviews for films in the Foreign Drama Category:

As It Is In Heaven (Sweden, 2004)
Vitus (Switzerland, 2006)


As It Is In Heaven (Sweden, 2004)
- A heartwarming and uplifting film about a world-famous conductor (Michael Nyqvist) who returns to his childhood town in Northern Sweden after a heart condition forces his early retirement. Though Daniel wants to live a quiet life, he ends up becoming the leader of the church choir. Kay Pollak's understated film movingly tells the story of people finding their voices - both in the choir and in their lives. We see them learning to stand up for themselves, and to love and accept each other despite their personal challenges, which range from being bullied, to spousal abuse, to accepting a choir member who is mentally challenged, to another who is considered sexually promiscuous. One of the central themes is the way the members of the choir begin to cast aside the oppressive teachings of the church as they begin to open to love -- in particular, the wife of the Pastor. It is yet another level of finding one's inner voice and freedom, instead of being controlled by others. This beautifully acted film portrays characters that are very real and human -- we see their inner beauty and grow to love them in spite of their flaws. The film does not attempt to smooth over relationships or tie things up in a neat little package with a bow, as most American films do. It is a little messy and awkward at times due to the tensions and prejudices, as in life. However there is also great joy, redemption, and love! It is enriching and deeply satisfying to watch people grow and transform, which happens with most all of the characters in this film! And it is beautiful to see how Daniel is able to fulfill his lifelong dream of creating music that opens peoples' hearts! Very highly recommended!

Vitus (Switzerland, 2006)
- A sweet, thoughtful story of a young boy who is a genius and child prodigy as a pianist. At first just wanting to allow Vitus to develop at his own pace, his parents ultimately succumb to the advice of others, and begin pushing him down a path toward greatness. However, due to his strong desire to lead a so-called "normal" life, Vitus decides to take control of his life into his own hands. Director Fredi M. Murer employs 2 boys to play Vitus -- Fabrizio Borsani at age 5 (who seems wise beyond his years and has amazingly soulful eyes), and Teo Gheorghiu at age 12. Rather than using a child actor and teaching him to play the piano, or faking the piano scenes, Murer made the brilliant choice to use Teo Gheorghiu, who is himself a piano child prodigy! And it turns out that he can act as well! So there is a sense of realism to this drama that makes it all the more moving! The relationship between Vitus and his grandfather (played with great heart by Bruno Ganz), is one of the most beautiful relationships ever depicted on film! All in all a very beautiful and heartwarming film!


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