Archives for: 2011


Permalink 09:27:26 pm, Categories: Movies, 5 Stars - Loved It!, Drama  

The Way is one of the best films to come out of Hollywood in a long time! Emilio Estevez wrote, directed, produced, and also appeared in this powerful gem. Martin Sheen turns in a strong and moving performance as the father who travels to France to claim the body of his son (Estevez) -- who died while on pilgrimage on El Camino de Santiago (aka The Way of Saint James) -- and then decides to make the journey himself.

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Permalink 04:35:37 pm, Categories: Movies, 5 Stars - Loved It!, Drama, Family, Sports, Action  

Randall Wallace’s Secretariat is a prime example of storytelling at its best – this amazing story of the eponymous horse combines heart, thrills and high action drama, and manages to keep us on the edge of our seats, even when we know the outcome!

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Permalink 07:38:35 pm, Categories: Movies, 5 Stars - Loved It!, Drama, Biography, Period  

Americans have long had a fascination with British royalty, and with films about British royalty. Thus there are high expectations for a film about King George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George), father of Queen Elizabeth II. Add to that a phenomenal cast led by Colin Firth -- who many Americans consider to be British film royalty -- and the anticipation for The King's Speech is even greater. So it was a joy to watch this film and discover that it delivers on every level!

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MM Film Blog

This blog contains film reviews written by Marsha Moskowitz, and other film related info.


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