The Game Plan (2007)


Permalink 07:47:43 pm, Categories: Movies, 4 Stars - Liked It A Lot, Comedy, Family, Sports  

The Game Plan is formula Disney all the way. But hey, why not? It's a formula for success!


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson plays superstar quarterback Joe Kingman, who is taken by surprise when his 8 year old daughter appears on his doorstep -- a daughter he didn't know he had. Newcomer Madison Pettis is delightful as the ballet loving 8 year old, with eyes that could melt even the Grinch's heart.

Of course the movie takes us through the usual trials and tribulations as the new father tries to adapt his bachelor lifestyle to include a small girl. And of course she ulimately wins not only his heart, but the hearts of the entire football team, not to mention the audience.

There is nothing new here, but it is thoroughly enjoyable, nonetheless. Dwayne Johnson as Kingman is surprisingly capable in a comedic role. Kyra Sedgwick, who normally is very engaging, is a little over-the-top as his money-loving agent. Roselyn Sanchez is charming and understated as the ballet school teacher.

If you are looking for football realism, this is not the film for you. In fact, there really isn't even a game plan. This is one of those films that relies on suspended disbelief. The writers have very conveniently ignored certain obvious details -- like the locations of the playoff games and the superbowl (called "the championship" here) -- because otherwise certain plot details just wouldn't make any sense.

Usually these types of films go through a lot more hard times before the child wins over everyone's heart. In this film, Kingman seems to embrace fatherhood more easily than would be expected. But the chemistry between father and daughter is very engaging, so if the film is less than realistic, who cares?

And of course there are the requisite climactic scenes where it seems that everything might fall apart. But it's worth it to see these larger than life football players with their arms full of teddy bears and tears in their eyes.

All in all, a very sweet family film.

MM Rating - * * * *


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